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Overview: Tripods vary in appearance and construction across manufacturers, but all serve a crucial purpose in emergency situations.
Purpose: Designed primarily for the retrieval of individuals from confined spaces during emergencies.
Construction: Typically made of aluminium with adjustable legs to achieve heights necessary for extrication, often up to eight feet.
Man-Riding Winch: Essential component attached to the tripod, featuring a pulley system for controlled retrieval.
Operation: Operated using a clutch mechanism for winding up and down, ensuring safe movement during emergencies.
Inertial Lifeline: Connected to the tripod, functions like a seatbelt to prevent falls, enhancing safety during operations.
Alternative Attachment: If the tripod isn't suitable, a strop can be used to secure the man-riding winch to a fixed point for emergency retrieval.
These components collectively form a robust emergency plan, ensuring swift and safe extraction of individuals from confined spaces when needed.